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Mary Poppins Returns missed the flair

Mary Poppins Returns : 2.5 stars

US | Musical | Drama

Cast: Emily Blunt;


Release: Jan 2019

Plot: (Google)

Now an adult with three children, bank teller Michael Banks learns that his house will be repossessed in five days unless he can pay back a loan. His only hope is to find a missing certificate that shows proof of valuable shares that his father left him years earlier. Just as all seems lost, Michael and his sister receive the surprise of a lifetime when Mary Poppins -- the beloved nanny from their childhood -- arrives to save the day and take the Banks family on a magical, fun-filled adventure.


I hadn't watched the old movies of Mary Poppins, never got the chance too, just heard that people really loved it. So I was excited to see how the story or the character makes me feel. As compared to the huge expectation I had, I had little fun.

The film caters to a specific crowd, to people who have been crazy about Mary Poppins and who are of a certain age group. And unfortunately I wasn't part of either. Nevertheless I had some fun, loved the energy of the film, (even if it felt too much at times)

Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins is vivid, loud and super natural. I get that is the point of her character but after a point where the story fails to grib you there is only so much an actor can do.

The film carries the same story arc used for kids, A threat to their lives and you solve it by the end. Even by the way they complete the mission it fails to amuse you in the end. The film tires to keep your engaged with too many sub plots without explanations at times and you never see them end. You get no closure, "What happened to the mother's favorite bowl??" And the villains in the film are just bad people and there is nothing more to it.

Mary Poppins returns typically reminded me of Christopher Robin, but that one at least at a clear lesson to be learned.

Her the only thing we see in England in the 1930's with alot of color as soon as Mary Poppins arrives.

Since the film is a musical it is important that we talk about it, Tbh I enjoyed it to a extent where it didn't take away from the story which it does alot after every few minutes. We do get a few songs out of the original keeping up the excitement and making you hum along but it doesnt last for long. To be precise, Trip a Little Light Fantastic is just as amazing a number as the other ones but it goes on for so long you forget the entire context of the song.

Verdict: I couldn't quite enjoy it as much as I wanted to. Its good for nostalgia.

**1/2 stars

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